Nx Witness VMS CCTV

The Nx Witness VMS CCTV solution is an open IP video management system designed to find, view, record, and manage IP video cameras as well as integrate quickly with 3rd party systems and devices.

  • Cloud Enabled
  • Smart Video Search
  • Automatic Failover
  • One Click Upgrades
  • Play Offline Media
  • Video Analytics
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Recording
  • No Support Fees
  • Free Live Streaming

Advanced IP Video Management.Made Simple.

Nx Witness VMS makes it easy for system integrators to create customer Tailored IP video management solutions.

  • Built for Users
  • Discovers 99% of IP Cameras
  • Fast on standard hardware
  • Lightweight and cross platform
  • Extremely dependable
  • Can integrate anything
  • Customisable
  • Free to upgrade
  • Saves money

Identifying and protecting patients and staff from 

  • Trip / Fall down
  • Violence (one way or two way)
  • Punching, Strangling
  • Pushing
  • Fast Actions
  • Holding hand over mouth
  • Sexual abuse and inappropriate touching
  • Falling out of a chair/Bed
  • Face Recognition
  • VIP/ Blacklist alert
  • Multiple criteria alert
  • Bookmark every face record in recording.
  • License plate Recognition
  • Supports all Australian license plate images.
  • Bookmarks plates into recording archive.


This is test

The Nx Witness VMS CCTV solution is an open IP video management system designed to find, view, record, and manage IP video cameras as well as integrate quickly with 3rd party systems and devices.

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